Thursday, February 24, 2011

~* English Class Blues *~

Wow, so much has happened...

wait, don't all of my posts start that way? It's because I hardly ever post. I need to. LoL.

Anyway, so I am a senior part time at Lehi high, and part time at East Shore high. I have a little over two dozen packets left to do, but that's SO much better than the 50 I started with.
I am trying to figure out what my plans for college are, but I'm not too sure yet.

I've written a two songs since I last posted. I know, it's been a slow few months, and I got into kind of a funk. But I'm getting back in the habit :)

Right now I'm sitting in English class, supposed to be writing my rough draft (which I've already started and half finished on my own time) for a huge essay project. I've been researching the mystery of The Bermuda Triangle. It's kind of spooky. Because I'm farther on my project than anyone here (and the fact that I forgot my notebook with all of my work for this class at home), I decided to FINALLY post a new blog. <3

Well, school's almost out, and I'm being kicked off the computer. So have fun, and I'll try to post more often.

Party Hardy, Much Love xD

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